The Web Pro Tournament Manger is a comprehensive fishing tournament manager that can handle the
real-time results of a live tournament and make them publicly available on the web, along with a full results archive, featuring a fast, easy-to-use, and intuitive administration system.
- Smart administration. Web Pro Tournament Manager walks you through your tournament setup and changes modes as your tournament progresses through it's different phases.
- Unlimited tournaments. Use the software for as many events as you need!
- Unlimited teams and anglers. No built-in limits to hold back the needs of your tournaments.
- Powerful page customization. Add as many pages as you need for your tournament and website, and customize any page (including team and angler pages) in any way you like.
- Intuitive and easy-to-use interface. Pick up and use the software in minutes without having to read through lengthy manuals first.
- Installs on your own website. The software integrates directly with your existing website through a sub-domain, or can be used as a full website if you don't already have one.
- Optimized for speed. Quick loading in both the publicly-viewable pages as well as the administration areas, even under heavy loads at tournament time.
- Great support for sponsors. Your fishing tournament would be little without help from your sponsors. Give back to them with advertisements, links, or even full-page write-ups.